Grievance Process
The Society maintains a grievance process by which a client can file a grievance. As a result of using the grievance process, clients will not suffer any retaliation or barriers of service.
Levels of Review
The grievance process can be found in the Client Orientation Package. It is reviewed with all clients upon intake. The process outlines the efforts that will be made to resolve the complaint. Complaints will be addressed by the Society in a timely and respectful manner. The client is notified in writing, when the steps indicate, as to the action taken to address the complaint. All complaints will be documented and reviewed quarterly to determine trends to identify.
→ Time frames for reviewing the complaint.
→ Rights and responsibilities.
Grievance & Appeal Procedure
Step 1:
Tell your Worker/Therapist. He or she will help you fill out the complaint form, if needed.
If you are not comfortable telling your Worker/Therapist, go to Step 2.
Step 2:
If you do not agree with the decision made, you may also talk to the Worker’s/Therapist’s Manager.
You must give him/her the facts about your complaint in writing, and he/she will respond to you within 5 working days.
Step 3:
Talk to the Executive Director of Hulitan Family and Community Services Society.
Name: Kendra Gage
Phone: 384-9466 ext 203
She will set up a meeting to talk with you about your complaint within 5 working days.
You may bring a friend or family member with you if you like. Your complaint should also be submitted in writing.
Step 4:
As a final step, you may address the Hulitan Family & Community Services Society’s Board of Directors. This must also be done in writing. The Board will address the issue at their next meeting and inform you of their decision within 5 days of the Board meeting.
*If you are unhappy with the resolution, you have the right to call the Ombudsman at
If you have any further questions about the Grievance & Appeals policy or process please contact us. All concerns are important to us!

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